I think I talked about this earlier, but Sadie spent time earlier in January training to become a licensed soccer official & she finally reffed her first game this month! She was nervous & excited all at the same time, but she did great & earned a little money along the way:
Look how official she is with her uniform! She even has red & yellow cards, flags & a token. The first day she called 3 games in a row - the first was 8-year-old girls & then then next 2 games were 8-year-old boys. I didn't take her, but Bryan did & he stuck around to watch her. Apparently, the girls were easy, but the boys' parents got a little rowdy with her, but she kept her cool & she kept the game going smoothly. We are so proud of her for earning money doing something she loves!
You know what else she is loving this season?
Track! It's a short season & she has her last meet this week so I will wait & do one post over that.
We also met her friends & their moms for a NCL philanthropy event. We signed up for Feed the City where we brought groceries & made lunches for homeless. Sadie loved it & said it was one of her favorite volunteer events so far & I had fun visiting with all of the moms too:
She meets weekly with her KLife small group for bible study on weeknights, but their middle school bible study just started up again at the park before school & they were so excited to be out there, even if it was cold:
She also got invited to attend the KLife fundraiser gala, Texas Tux. Bryan & I went for the first time & we were so proud of her for standing up there:
She absolutely LOVES KLife & I can't believe how fortunate we are to have it on our side of town so she can go & be involved as much as she wants. We had a good group of 7th grade parents there also - more boy parents than girl parents:
That's it for today. I'll wrap up our month with a post on Griffin track, Sadie has a soccer tournament in California later this month & we have a big trip planned for spring break and we CANNOT wait!
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