Friday, July 5, 2024

Mimi's Surprise Retirement Party

My mom retired back in May & my sister & I were excited to throw her a surprise retirement party with all of her family, friends & neighbors. With the help of my dad, we were able to pick a weekend, somehow keep it a secret & we actually surprised her! My sister is the creative one & came up with the idea, theme & designed the invitation:

The theme was vintage books & wildflowers - isn't it adorable! My sister is so good with party planning & came up with all of the details. She even bought all of the decorations & set it all up since she lives in Conroe too. My only responsibility was the cake! We drove up that morning & went straight to the venue, which my sister already had set up & ready to go:

We kept it simple & planned it on a Sunday afternoon for a come & go so we only provided cake & punch:

Didn't the cake turn out beautiful?! I basically planned a 2 tier white wedding cake with real flowers for decoration & thankfully my mom loved it:

And a big shout out to Dad for helping us plan it also! She was so blessed to have so many friends & neighbors show up to celebrate with her:

A big shout out to the girls for helping serve the drinks:

Kason for helping serve cake with Dianna:

and all of our family for helping out. Nat - I think we make a great team, and Mom - congrats on finally retiring!

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