Tuesday, August 1, 2017

St. Thomas, Part 3

Every day Sadie asked if she could go work out with me but I woke up so early & she was sleeping in so I never woke her to take her to the gym. They did have a personal trainer on staff who taught a couple of classes & I did a few of the early classes but I noticed one day that they had a later yoga class at 8:30 so I woke Sadie up for that:

She always talks about yoga & shows me poses she has learned on You Tube to I thought she would enjoy trying a class. We met on a gazebo overlooking the ocean so it can't get better than that, right?!

It was a 1 hour class but she finally looked at me after 45 minutes & asked if we could go :) I think she might have gotten a little bored but I was impressed she lasted that long!

Besides the pool, they had a grassy area with soccer goals & several outdoor games. The girls loved running over there & playing & we could watch them from our pool chairs:

One day while they were playing, I noticed a banana tree & the girls thought that was pretty cool to see them hanging:

More time at the pool:

The last couple of days we were there we met a family from New York who had 2 daughters, Monica & Francesca. The girls really hit it off & had fun playing with them:

Twice a week the pool restaurant had fish night & they literally bring fresh fish in from the ocean & everyone loved watching them. When the boat would pull up, he would blow his conch shell & everyone would run to the water to see him unload the ice chest:

Then they would put everything on display & if you had reservations at the restaurant, then you got to choose what fish you wanted for dinner that night:

We never ate that night because I am not a fish eater but the girls were fascinated with the whole process. My favorite part of the day was when I looked out & saw Sadie:

She literally floated like this for about 30 minutes. I thinks she is as infatuated with the ocean as I am :) We have taken her snorkeling before but this is the best she has ever done & since they didn't get to go sailing with us, we decided to take them on a day excursion. We woke up early the next morning & caught our sailboat:

As we sailed away, we had a good view of our resort:

Our first stop was at Christmas Island. Apparently this is where Christopher Columbus spent the night on Christmas & that's where the name came from. We jumped off the boat here to snorkel:

Technically all of us snorkeled but Sophie. She was brave & jumped off the boat & swam, but she wasn't interested in snorkeling. I went with Sadie first & as soon as we got in we saw a huge spotted eagle ray. It was the biggest thing I have ever seen & I can't believe we were that close to it! To be honest, my heart kind of fluttered & I was glad we were on top of it by the top of the water while he swam below but before I knew it, Sadie was swimming like a mermaid right after it & was trying to touch it! That girl has no fear in the water. When we got back on the boat, lunch was waiting for us:

There is a food boat (kind of like a food truck) called Pizza Pi & it is one of the most recommended things to do on Trip Advisor:

Can you see that boat with the yellow banners on it?! That's Pizza Pi! The first food boat I have ever eaten at. You place your pizza order & they bring it to you in their dinghy boat. It was really good too!

Next up we sailed to Buck Island, aka Turtle Cove:

The first couple parts of our trip was easy sailing. The girls liked sitting on the front trampolines they just had to wear those life belts. When we got there Bryan & I took turns snorkeling with Sadie while someone sat on the boat or swam with Sophie:

Of course we don't have any pictures since we were in the water, but we literally swam with sea turtles! Apparently this is a breeding ground for them & there is a lot of sea grass in the area that they like to eat. We literally swam right by one as soon as we got in. Big huge sea turtles & a really awesome experience. Sadie loved it! And I loved the water. This was my second favorite spot behind Jost Van Dyke. We spent about 2 hours here so after we snorkeled, we had fun jumping off the side of the boat, making videos & swimming:

We had a long sail home & it was really choppy water. Probably the roughest ride we had the entire time we were on vacation. We were all sitting at the front & I could tell Sophie was getting a little scared because the waves were so big it was like going on a roller coaster ride. Seriously, kids were putting there hands in the air. Sadie loved it & if you ask her what her favorite part of vacation is she will tell you riding the big waves on the boat :) Sophie & Bryan ended up going to sit in the back where it was a little calmer:

By the time we made it back to our hotel, Sophie had fallen asleep:

We kind of debated on whether or not to take that day trip because it was kind of expensive, but afterwards we agreed it was totally worth it. Both of the girls loved it & felt like they got to go sailing like we did. And Sadie is a natural snorkeler. I can't tell you how exciting it was to watch her in action. Love both of our mermaids!

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