Thursday, March 30, 2017

Dallas Zoo Spring 2017

Since it is spring & we are having awesome weather, we planned a trip to the Dallas zoo with a few of our friends:

Julianne, Lena & I have been talking a lot lately about kindergarten & how our life will change next year, so we have been planning several play dates before summer comes & it gets too hot. It's hard to think that these will be some of our last big play dates with all of kids before they move on to the next phase of their life. I mean next year we may go to the zoo, but it might be as a chaperone with their class instead of with our pre-school mommy friends!

It was a beautiful day & the kids had a great time running around outside together:

We tried to go on a Wednesday thinking it wouldn't be as crowded as a Friday since that's when most schools go. We lucked out with the animals & saw quite a bit. We have been to the zoo with this crew several times before & always have fun:

I mean seriously, how lucky are we that our oldest girls met at pre-school & had younger siblings who were all the same age. These kids have ended up doing so much more than school - play dates, soccer, swimming lessons, camp, MOPS - I am thankful the little ones will still be together for 2 more years before we all officially go in different directions:

Sweet Sophie is always hanging with the boys! And here are the 3 big girls, ready for kindergarten:

This trip was a reminder of how old the girls are getting. We literally left the house at 9:00 & didn't get home until 4:00. We used to leave by lunchtime because the kids were getting tired & now they could have stayed longer but we made them leave so we could beat traffic! I've said it many times before but I'll say it again, I love staying home with these two & cannot believe our time together will be changing soon:

Here's to enjoying every moment in the next few months before real school starts in the fall!

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