Monday, January 2, 2017

New Beginnings

With a new year comes new beginnings & I personally love a fresh start! Bryan had the week off after Christmas so we spent the week spending extra time with the girls but we also spent some time putting up the Christmas decorations, cleaning the house & purging unwanted items. I know most people don't think cleaning is fun, but I hate to admit that I love cleaning & organizing! And I have a simple rule for our family, when you bring stuff in, you have to bring stuff out:

Yep, that's our guest room & it has quickly became my junk room in the past week! Everything in there is either for sale or ready to be donated:

It's kind of liberating getting rid of 2 big, bulky car seats now that Sadie is in a booster seat :)

Know what else I love? Storage containers! When I had all of the garland made for our staircase, I went straight to The Container Store & bought new containers to store it all:

Unfortunately, the garland is so big, I had to have 1 container for each garland & it took up most of my guest room closet:

Guess it is worth it if helps the garland last for years to come. And when I bought these containers & earned enough points to get some more containers for free, so I picked some new storage for the girls. I started with a few toys downstairs to organize their legos & magformers:

and then I bought a few more for their arts & crafts supplies:

I know what you are thinking, this closet is was too organized, but this is just a snippet of what every closet in my house looks like! I did re-organize this closet last week also. I call this the entertaining closet upstairs in the game room because it has a shelf for pillows, a shelf for blankets, a shelf for arts & crafts & a shelf for games. This has totally became Sadie's favorite closet because she is constantly wanting to create something or play a game.

And Sophie, well, I try to keep her out of this closet! But I did re-organize her room a little. She had a rocking chair in her room that we hardly used so I decided to get rid of it & made a play space instead. She is the ultimate mommy & now she can play house to her heart's content:

I'm hoping she will want to spend more time in here playing next year when Sadie goes to kindergarten.

Already I feel like 2017 is off to a fresh start!

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