Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Sweet Cleats Soccer Party & Gingerbread Houses

Last weekend, the Sweet Cleats had their fall soccer party. Technically, their season ended almost a month ago, but one of the moms planned a special party for them that we thought would be appropriate for the holidays: a gingerbread house class! Even the little siblings got to come :)

Before the party started, Coach Jeremy said a few words about each of the players while Bryan passed out the trophies:

Then everyone got to hit up the candy bar & pick out all of their decorations:

Their houses might have been better decorated if they hadn't eaten most of it! I was definitely on my feet switching back & forth between tables trying to help both girls:

The little kids did so good & were so excited to be with the big girls:

while the big kids did their own thing:

Afterwards, they got punch & got to have a snack from the chocolate fountain. As if that wasn't enough, then they gave them cupcakes & let them decorate & eat them:

What a special treat for the Sweet Cleat girls! Thanks for organizing Lena!

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