Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas Night 2016

Christmas afternoon, we headed back to Bryan's parent's house to celebrate Christmas with Grammy & Grandpa. We enjoyed Christmas dinner & then dove into the presents since the girls couldn't wait anymore!

You can tell Grammy & Grandpa really spoiled these two:

Sophie got a new baby stroller & Sadie got the spa chair for her new doll. And they were so excited to get matching gymnastics leotards! Sophie gets to start gymnastics in January now that she is 3.

Bryan & I were spoiled also:

Bryan always has a theme with his gifts - it starts with Longhorn & ends with Nordstrom! I got new dishes that I am absolutely in love with! We have had the same dishes for 13 years that were given to us as a wedding present. Unfortunately, there were no pictures of me taken that night because I woke up feeling bad, but was really sick by that night. I actually went to the doctor the next day & found out I had strep throat.

And of course there were gifts for Grammy, Grandpa, Nanny & Granny as well:

It was another relaxing evening & not quite as crazy as the night before! We are always thankful to spend time with Bryan's family - all 4 generations:

Thanks Sherry & Robert for having us over both nights. The food was delicious & we so enjoyed the company!

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