Friday, October 7, 2016

Life Lately

Life lately has been stressful because at one point, all 4 of us have been sick this week. Sophie actually started it when she came home with a bad cough last week. Nothing really came of it but it lingered around for a week or so, & then I got it & now Sadie has it. I actually was sidelined to bed for a couple of days because I ran a pretty high fever & felt horrible. Then yesterday Bryan was diagnosed with strep throat. Seriously?! Let's just say I have done a lot of laundry & cloroxed everything trying to get the germs out of our house!
Before all that happened, we headed to church last Sunday morning like normal. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot, I heard something & turned around to see Sophie vomiting all over herself & our car :( She was completely fine before & after & I knew right away it was her digestive problems. We made it almost a whole week of her taking medicine every other day instead of every single day but it eventually caught up to her. I know I have said it before but I will say it again - she gets so sick it is crazy for a girl her size & her age. It is definitely not normal. At one point, Bryan & I were so busy cleaning the car after we had cleaned her & we looked up & Sophie was naked in the middle of the parking lot waving at all of the cars driving by:
See, she doesn't even look sick, right?! Of course we had to turn around & go home because our car was a mess & she had no clothes:
We immediately put her back on daily medicine & she is back to normal. Her doctor told us to wait another 6 months & try again. I kind of hate trying because I always know what the end result will be.
On Tuesday night I dragged myself out (even though I felt horrible) because we had our first bunco night:
A few of the girls at my church started a group & we each invited 2 women to join us. We had a lot of fun & I look forward to meeting with these women once a month just to relax, eat & visit! Children are not invited :)
The girls had a good week at school. Sadie's class got tagged on Facebook this week & someone shared the picture with me:
Have to thank my friend Julianne for being so awesome & sharing pictures from Facebook with me since I am not on there!
While they were at school Thursday, I headed to Decorator's Warehouse in Arlington which is also known as:
My mother-in-law & I went shopping the morning after Christmas last year & I bought a ton of stuff on sale that has been sitting in a closet since then:
I am branching out & having garland made for our staircase & all of our banisters upstairs. Bryan has been asking me to do this for the past couple of years & I think it will be beautiful but first off I knew it would be expensive & second where am I going to keep it all the rest of the year?! I solved one of those problems by shopping the sale last year. I bought all of the supplies 50% off so now I just have to pay the labor to have it done. The 2 women I work with there were awesome. I gave them my measurements, showed them pictures & then they work their magic. I cannot wait to pick it up in a few weeks! But that leads me to thought number 2 again - what am I going to do with 6 decorated garlands that are 9 feet long?! That will be my project for the next few months. Trying to find a storage container that is big enough to protect it 11 months out of the year.
But back to the store - I walked around all morning just smiling (even though I was still sick & felt horrible!) because I loved seeing all of the twinkly lights & hearing the Christmas music:
Guess that's my cue to stop blogging when I am talking about Christmas & we haven't even made it to Halloween yet!

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