Friday, February 7, 2014

Sleeping Beauty

I don't know if we lucked out or if Bryan & I are good sleep trainers, but I can officially say that Sophie was moved to her own nursery upstairs last week when she turned 6 weeks old:
I started putting her up there for her long afternoon naps when Sadie went down & after she slept successfully all week, we finally moved her up there at night last Friday. So today marks one week & I can successfully say that she has slept up there every single night for a minimum of 10 hours. And honestly, I think she is sleeping better up there than she did down by us! I think it's mostly because her crib is more comfortable than her pack-n-play, but also we can shut the door where it's nice, dark & quiet. I say quiet, but she is actually sleeping to the sound of the ocean thanks to her sound machine:
Sadie was sleeping through the night at 5 weeks, but we didn't move her upstairs to her nursery until she was 8 weeks old. I think I was more nervous last time about something happening to her & her being so far away. I remember that first night we both stared at the monitor because we were afraid she would stop breathing! This time, not so much :) I think I slept pretty comfortably having both girls upstairs!
I know not everyone believes in "sleep training" but it has made our life & more importantly our daughters' lives much easier. Believe me, we definitely had a few hard nights (or couple of rough weeks at the beginning!) but it was worth it in the long run. I am fortunate that Bryan & I were on the same page with regards to the girls' sleep schedules because it helps to have consistency & routine. Of course, it also helps to have a swaddle blanket, pacifier & a sound machine too! And in case you are wondering (because I have been told this several times) yes, we sleep trained both of them while I was still nursing. I have always heard that only formula fed babies sleep for long stretches, but it is possible with breastfed babies as well.
I'm just glad Bryan & I are returning back to our normal schedule so we have a little bit of "free" time at night & in the mornings while the girls are upstairs. And I'm glad Sophie is finally enjoying her beautiful nursery that I took so long to decorate & fix up for her!

1 comment:

  1. Are you willing to give out the secrets behind your sleep training success?
