Saturday, November 16, 2013

Pregnancy Update

I realized the other day that I am a month away from my due date & I haven't really blogged about my pregnancy. That's probably because it has been a great pregnancy with little to complain about - that & the fact that my life is consumed running a 2 year old around!
I was very sick in the beginning until 13-14 weeks. With Sadie I took nausea medicine because I couldn't afford the chance of being sick while I was taking care of Bryan. This time I was adamant about not taking medicine & I didn't, however, I did get sick more often without it :( Once I got past the first trimester sick phase, I have felt great! I have been one of those lucky women who don't get tired. In fact, I probably do better on less sleep. I sleep 6-7 hours on average & I couldn't even tell you the last time I took a nap. I also have been very "comfortable" during this pregnancy. I hear a lot of women talking about heartburn, being hungry all the time or not being able to eat that much. I have had none of those problems, luckily. I ate a lot at the beginning while I was sick (for some reason eating helps with nausea?!) but since I got past that I pretty much eat 3 meals a day.
This pregnancy has been very similar to the first one, but I have probably felt a little better. With Sadie, I was so busy taking Bryan to the doctor & taking care of him, that I didn't take care of myself probably as good as I should have. I ate way too much & way too unhealthy! I guess that's common for a first pregnancy :) And I did not work out my entire pregnancy so I definitely gained more weight - not only in my stomach, but also in my hips, buttocks & thigh - probably where women least want to gain weight :) I also started swelling early on - probably by July or August I had to stop wearing my rings because I couldn't get them off. And my feet were swollen slightly. I also had that brown line that went down my stomach (I can never remember what it is called.....). And I think my hormones were worse - for example, my skin was oilier & I was more broken out.
Most of these things have not been an issue with this pregnancy. I have continued to work out & I am eating much healthier this go round. Don't get me wrong, I still splurge on food, but I am making better choices most of the time! I go to the gym 4-5 days a week & I was running outside for 30-45 minutes up until 30 weeks. I can still do cardio at the gym on any of the machines for 30 minutes easy & I still left weights. Because of this my core & back are a lot stronger & I have not had the backaches like I did with Sadie. I also have had no swelling at all & can still wear my wedding band with only a few weeks to go! I feel like I have still gained a lot of weight, but it is mostly concentrated to my stomach area & not everywhere else. In fact, now that I am at the end of my pregnancy, most of my winter maternity clothes from last time aren't fitting me this time around. They are all too big! I have actually gotten rid of some because I literally can't keep them up. I haven't been very good at taking pictures of just me throughout the pregnancy. I definitely have pictures of me pregnant, but it's usually a group shot with Sadie or Bryan.
Other than that, the baby is doing good also. I have been anemic so I am taking some iron supplements along with my prenatal vitamins. I did not get gestational diabetes & my blood pressure has hovered around normal, which is actually high for me because I normally have low blood pressure. The baby's heartbeat has always been strong & she is an active mover. I have a feeling she is going to be a busy little girl always on the go, just like her sister. I guess they both learned that from their parents! That's one of the reason I don't sleep much because there is always somewhere to go or something to do. I guess you can say I am not very good at relaxation :)
My due date is December 22 & we decided to set up an induction just in case she doesn't make her arrival before then. My doctor doesn't let any of her patients go 7 days past their due date, however, my due date is on a Sunday & that following week is Christmas. She will actually be out on vacation the whole week, so if I have a scheduled induction the week of Christmas, I would have to use one of her sub doctors. Also, who wants to have a baby the week of Christmas? So, we scheduled our induction for Thursday, December 19. That way I can still meet with my doctor (who I love & who delivered Sadie). Also, that would give us a few days in the hospital but we would be home before the holidays. I am so excited to meet our next Christmas angel but hopefully she will stay put until the time is right!

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