Friday, October 25, 2013

Seriously, Already?!

I have always thought that Sadie would potty train fairly easy & probably early, because she met most of her physical milestones early. However, last time I talked to her pediatrician, she encouraged me to hold off on potty training until after the new baby is born. She said no matter how well potty trained the child is, they usually regress after something traumatic happens or a serious change happens, which in our case would be the arrival of a new baby :) Bryan & I were fine with this advice & hoping to hold off on potty training until the spring. Hopefully by then, Sadie will be used to having her little sister around & I've also heard it's easier to potty train little girls when they just have a dress on vs. pants.
Unfortunately, our plans may not unfold as we had hoped because we believe she has started showing signs of potty training this week :( She had been grabbing at her diaper for a while now & will tell us most of the time when she needs to be changed. However, when we got home from church last Sunday, she grabbed her crotch, ran to the bathroom & started patting the toilet. Then she just held on to the toilet as she went to the restroom in her diaper. Frustrated, she went to her church bag, grabbed a diaper & a wipe, brought them to me in the kitchen while she laid down. Apparently, she had gone to the restroom & was ready to be changed right then & there!
Later that night, we are at our friend's house for dinner & I had just finished telling them this story when she did the exact same thing at their house. Obviously she has associated the toilet & what she is supposed to do with it. Luckily, I just happened to have a toilet seat at my house (I used to have it for my nephew) so I put it on the toilet in her bathroom upstairs. Every time she wakes up or before she goes to sleep, we have been "practicing" going to the bathroom. She has not done anything so far, but she goes to the toilet by herself, pulls down her pants & tries to get up there. Usually she spends about 10 minutes or so just sitting there until she gets bored. Who knows if she will actually do anything anytime soon, but I hate to try & stop her if she has already started the process on her own. For now, we'll keep "practicing" & wearing diapers until something changes.

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