Monday, July 1, 2013


We live on the newer side of the city where there is still a lot of vacant land, but in the past year we have finally seen a lot of building activity occur. We love this side of town because it is mostly residential but we're only 10 minutes away from everything else. Most of our commercial business is on the other side of town by the mall. Close enough, but not close enough if there is a certain food I am craving or want to pick up. Since we have lived here I have told Bryan that all I want is a Pei-Wei & a Freebirds. Two of my favorite quick restaurants & finally they have arrived! We have both of them with 2 miles of our house. Pei-Wei hasn't opened yet but Freebirds has, so we went on Friday night. Bryan & I have been eating there since college, but this was Sadie's first experience & I am pretty sure she enjoyed it as much as us :
Neither Bryan or I wanted to share our meals (I can down my burrito without any one's help - pregnant or not!) so we got her own kid's meal. She got a bean & cheese quesadilla & you can probably tell from the beans smeared on her face that she enjoyed every bite!

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