Saturday, December 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Sadie!

December 8, 2012 - Was it really 1 year ago that Sadie was born? Everyone always tells you that time goes by fast when you have kids & apparently everyone is correct!
In honor of her special day, we have been planning her first birthday party. I know, it seems a little silly to have a big party for her since she is too young to remember it or enjoy it, but it seems fitting to celebrate what an awesome year it's been with her! Since she was born 2 weeks before Christmas, I decided to roll with the Christmas theme.
I will be the first to admit that I went a little overboard & spent the day stressing over the baking & the decorating. But if you ask my husband, he will say that I have been stressing over all the planning, designing & shopping for the past 2 months :) Luckily, Sadie is clueless & she was as happy as she could be this morning:
We always sneak into Daddy's office & tell him good morning while he is working. Then we head into the kitchen for breakfast & this girl loves her cheerios!
A few hours later & my kitchen looked like this:
For those who don't know me, this is a total disaster! I am a very neat & tidy person, but the house was a mess while I tried to get ready for the party. I even had some help decorating from my favorite sidekick:
I will confess that I finally got the house primped & ready for the big event thanks to my Mom &
 Granny who came into town tonight. Hopefully Sadie will be in a good mood for her party & we will enjoy the day celebrating with family & friends!

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