Friday, November 10, 2023

Ninja Nation

Our elementary school did Raise Craze again this fall for their fundraiser & of course we smashed our goal so the kids got to celebrate with Ninja Nation! They came & set up the Friday before Halloween but of course I am still catching up...... My friend, Kimberlee & I, are room moms together so we had fun going to the school early, meeting the kids in their classroom & taking pictures with them:

Kimberlee rocked our class poster! It was due when I was sick so thank goodness she was able to make it without me. Look how cute it turned out:

I am always so impressed with the creativity of some of these posters! Here is the 4th grade team:

You've heard it already but we literally had 5-6 inches of rain so we had to move the ninja nation course inside. Thank goodness most of it fit except for the wall, so they set that up outside:

Sophie missed it on her first try but then she made it! After they conquered the wall, they headed inside to do the rest of the course:

The kids had the best time, regardless of whether it was inside or outside & I am so thankful I was able to see them in action. Only one more year before she moves on to middle school & I won't get to be anyone's room mom anymore!

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