Wednesday, July 5, 2023

July 4th, 2023 in Conroe

We usually stay home for the 4th & like to throw a pool party but this year we skipped town for the holiday weekend. Bryan was in Chicago, so the girls & I drove to Conroe & then Bryan flew in & met us. My mom had her house all ready for the holiday & her yard looked great:

My mom was still recovering from her accident in Paris, so we all took turns cooking & cleaning so she could rest. But our first night there, we decided to go out on the lake after dinner & beat the holiday rush:

It was the perfect evening - the lake was not crowded yet, nor was it too hot. And we had a beautiful sunset:

The next day, we scratched an item off of our summer bucket list when we took the kids roller skating:

Even Bryan & I skated & had so much fun:

After we skated for a while, they cleared the rink & had a few races by age group. The girls participated in a skating race & a sock race:

We had a such a fun time, thankfully no one got hurt & who knew we would be skating at the same place I learned to skate when I was a little girl?!

On Sunday, we went to church & afterwards we & had lunch at a new restaurant on the lake. I can't believe how much has changed since I lived there:

We spent the rest of the weekend playing, eating, shopping & have fun together until it was time for the holiday itself. My parents' neighborhood was having a golf cart parade on Tuesday morning so the girls had fun decorating & then they all rode in the parade together:

We drove home Tuesday afternoon/evening just in time to watch the fireworks at our house that night. The girls walked to the park with our neighbor to watch them:

We had such a fun weekend getting to spend extra time with my family. I know we just saw the adults in Paris, but the kids are who really love spending time together so they definitely got lots of play time in! Thanks Mom & Dad for hosting us, even though you are still recovering, Mom! Hope you get your strength back soon!

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