Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Girl Scout Reverse Trick or Treating

 A few years ago when Sadie was still in Girl Scouts, they went reverse trick or treating & this year Sophie's brownie troop did it! All of the girls dressed up in their Halloween costumes & met up to trick or treat at a few streets in our neighborhood:

Aren't they so cute?! This is not Sophie's real Halloween costume. It was hot that afternoon so at the last minute she decided to be a zombie cheerleader, which happened to be what another friend was also. Cute & scary!

We sent invitations to most of our neighbors the week before letting them know we were coming then the girls went trick or treating door to door but instead of asking for candy, they asked for food donations for Fast Pacs. Such a great idea, right?! They did pretty well & filled up 2 wagons full of canned goods:

Afterwards they celebrated with cupcakes:

We had a great time & I am so proud of these girls. I just hope it cools off next weekend when we go trick or treating for real on Halloween!

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