Thursday, January 23, 2020

Renegades Slumber Party

Sadie is currently playing 7 v 7 indoor with her soccer team & this weekend, she did awesome! Her team is having a really good season & you can see growth every game, but literally Sadie played probably one of the best games I have ever seen her play on Saturday. She scored a goal on the left side with her left foot right in the corner & it was awesome! And she had a fun surprise because one of her friends came to watch their game:

They played Saturday & Sunday and since they didn't have school on Monday, we invited all of the girls over for a last minute, impromptu slumber party. It was so last minute that only half the team could come but I thought it would be a great way for the girls to bond off the field, especially since everyone on her team lives in different cities & they even go to different school districts. We brought a few girls home with us:

then met a few more at the house. As soon as we get there they ran straight for the trampoline:

while they waited for the pizza to get there:

And these girls ate a lot! They really worked up an appetite after that game! Then it was my favorite part of the night - the girls played Pie in the Face & it was hilarious! I have not laughed that hard in a long time!

Finally I got them calmed down & they took turns showering so they could watch a movie:

I'm still not sure what time they went to bed, but it was after 1:00 for sure. Thank goodness they all slept in. Luckily our media room is pitch dark & I didn't hear a peep until 8:45 that morning. They were all cold when they came downstairs so they asked me to start a fire:

Bryan surprised them with donuts & I surprised them with slime!

Not just any slime, but glow in the dark slime:

Can you tell they were stretching it out in the dark?! They kept asking all night to make slime & I just didn't want to mess with it, but I think that might have been their favorite part of the party & of course I saved it for the very end. It was a great night & I really enjoyed getting to know some of the girls more. They really are sweet, when you take them off of the soccer field!

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