Friday, November 2, 2018

Halloween 2018

Tis the season for rain when our Halloween almost didn't happen. This has been the craziest fall with the amount of rainfall we have had, so it's only fitting that it rained all day yesterday. At 5:00, it was pouring so our neighbor black party got cancelled. By 6:00 it finally started slowing down, so I got the girls dressed & by 6:30 it was finally slow enough to sneak outside. Unfortunately, with the crazy weather, we decided not to curl hair or put on make up - we were doing good to throw on costumes & run outside when it finally stopped:

Sadie decided to be an evil mermaid & Sophie was quite the opposite - the queen mermaid. Unfortunately a cold front blew in with all the rain so the girls had to put layers on under their costume. You can tell Bryan dressed warm:

He took the girls out while I stayed home & passed out candy:

Usually we go with friends after the party but since everyone was stuck at home, they took off just the 3 of them & quickly met up with friends:

I got a little bored inside by myself, so I eventually made my way outside also. I sat on the front porch & visited with neighbors while the trick or treaters stopped by. I also took a few photos because the girls were excited to decorate outside this year. Sadie really wanted to do a cemetery but I didn't want anything too scary so we ended up with a pet cemetery:

Later in the evening, the girls finally stopped by with their friends:

I couldn't help but laugh at Super Dad - he was carrying 2 bags of candy, Sadie's wig, an umbrella & who knows what else:

Once their friends headed home, they came inside & unloaded their candy:

The amount of candy they had was RIDICULOUS! They even had a couple of full size candy bars in there which Bryan & I grabbed:

Surprisingly we still had a lot of trick or treaters with the weather, but not as many as usual so we had candy left over. I let the girls stay up a little later & pass out candy to the older trick or treaters who were still out & about:

Then they were acting silly & wanting me to take pictures. Notice their expressions - Sadie was acting as the evil mermaid & Sophie as the queen:

We finally made them go to bed around 9:00. Wasn't exactly the fun filled evening like we usually have, but at least we got to get out. Thank goodness they wore their rain boots but even doing so, their leggings underneath were all wet from running around & they tore up the bottom of their dresses. Oh well - I told Bryan it was fitting for the season. Most of our soccer games have been cancelled this fall so I will always remember our rainy Halloween that went along with it. Now only if we can figure out what to do with all this candy.....

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