Friday, December 16, 2016

Holiday Happenings 2016

Literally, the last week has been a blur of holiday happenings for all 4 of us! Besides the big parties I have blogged about already, we had a lot of other events that one or all of us have attended.

Earlier this month, we had our December bunco & ornament exchange:

The next day we had our December MOPS meeting & Christmas party. It was a pajama party for the moms & the kids:

Our old small group from our last church had a get together & we had so much fun seeing everyone again! Can't believe how big everyone's kids are - we didn't even have kids back then!

Of course we had our Sweet Cleats soccer party but I forgot to post a picture of the soccer moms:

This week I had 2 MOPS Christmas parties at night so thank you Bryan for watching the girls so I could have a fun night out with girlfriends :) Our mentor mom hosted our Christmas party but she couldn't do it until later in the evening so some of the girls came to my house before for drinks:

and just to be funny we took this picture:

because that's really the kind of women we are. Ha! Most of them are like me & prefer food over drinks :)

The next night we had a leadership Christmas party for the MOPS group leaders:

On Tuesday they celebrated Sophie's birthday at school because it is this weekend. I brought winter cake balls that were white glittered with blue snowflakes. Kind of reminded me of Elsa :) I didn't get to stay & celebrate with them but I snapped a picture of her class when I dropped them off:

Thursday was their last day at school before winter break & they had more Christmas parties. Sophie's class got to wear pajamas to school:

Sadie got invited to a play date at Alana's house after school one day this week & they made oreo bark that was delicious:

Finally, the girls were pumped to get a surprise Christmas letter in the mail from Mimi & Doc that invited them to Christmas at their house. We cannot wait to celebrate with them next week! I for one need a break from all the holiday madness & am ready to get out of town:

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