Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Valentine's Day 2016

Bryan & I really don't celebrate Valentine's day, but it's kind of fun to celebrate the holiday for the girls. However, my friend wanted to go out for her birthday & she planned it for Saturday night & we were out late, so technically I guess that was our date :) Not your typical Valentine's date night, but at least we had a babysitter & enjoyed a night out with friends:

Hope you had a fun birthday Jamie!

The next morning we got the girls up early to get ready for church & we had a few Valentine surprises for them:

Bryan has bought them Valentine balloons every year since they were born. I remember when Sadie was only 2 months old & he tied the balloon to her little baby arm :)

Unfortunately, Sophie had one of her episodes & vomited all over the car before we even made it out of the neighborhood, so we didn't make it to church. Luckily she was better the rest of the day so we enjoyed a low key Valentine's at home with the girls.

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