Friday, February 21, 2014


Bryan used to watch that show on A&E called "Hoarders" & I hate it. I can't believe people live that way & I can't believe people want to watch others live that way. Bryan will easily tell you that I am a minimalist. We hardly have anything in the attic & most of my closets are not over flowing. And I constantly take things to donate & I love having garage sales! Anything to make a buck :)
But I must confess, if you open my pantry door right now, you will probably think I am hoarding:

In case you are wondering, you are correct - I have 26 cans of Similac Allimentum baby formula at the moment. Call me crazy, but this stuff is expensive, so when you find a good deal, you gotta stock up! Sadie was on this until she turned 1. I was hoping we would be able to switch with Sophie, but it didn't work. After she was on this for a few weeks, we thought her system was cleaned out & we thought we would try soy. There are lots of statistics out there show that show that only a certain percentage of babies who are allergic to cow's milk are allergic to soy & since soy is almost $15 a can cheaper, I thought we would give it a try. WORST IDEA EVER! We had a horrible 36 hours with Sophie & it was painfully obvious that she is allergic to soy as well as dairy :( So back to the allimentum. At this point, we are tired of trying, so we will probably keep her on this until she turns 1, just like Sadie. Normally it is around $28-$29 a can, but I found a lady on Ebay who was selling it for $17 a can & let me tell you, I have never seen it this cheap before. So I bought every single can she had! The only bad news? This will not last Sophie until she turns 1 so I will have to keep online shopping until I find it discounted somewhere else!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I am a friend of Nat's (she used to watch my daughter Emma). My son Henry is on Alimentum as well for the same issues as your girls (Emma actually had to be on Elecare which is a prescription formula that I think Max uses as well. Her allergy was that bad!). Have you tried Craigslist for Alimentum? I have had luck there. I don't know if you are ever in the Amarillo area but the Once Upon Child store in Amarillo buys and stocks Alimentum for $15/can. Yes, you read that right. I don't know how they can possibly make money. Since I am in Lubbock you bet I am driving to Amarillo every few months to stock up! And the formula is no where near expiring. Maybe they will ship!
