Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Seattle From Different Points of View

I realized when I downloaded my pictures from vacation this week, that I took a lot of pictures of downtown Seattle from different areas & thought it would be fun to share them.
First, we saw the city from our boat (I mean duck) ride:

And here is what life is like on the other side of the water:
Wouldn't it be beautiful to live on the hill overlooking the lake & they city, especially at night?
Next, here is our view of downtown from the Space Needle:
And when we had dinner one night in West Seattle, we watched the sunset over downtown:

Another night we enjoyed dessert from our hotel. So it is the opposite of the pictures above because this time we were looking from downtown towards West Seattle & over the water.
I know, I know - most of you think this is boring, but I always get carried away taking pictures!

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