Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Summer Time Cook Out

It dawned on me the other day that we are almost half way through summer & we haven't even cooked out or had anyone over yet, so we invited a few of Sadie's friends over - with their parents, of course :) We enjoyed a few burgers, hot dogs, cool potato salad & delicious banana pudding. Gotta love summertime meals!
Of course we got a group shot of the kids before we ate & they played outside. At this point, they still look & smell clean :)

This picture cracks me up because it really shows how much smaller Sadie is than her friends. She just looks short, right?!
After dinner we let the kids run loose outside. Or as Beau put it "we locked them in our cage" which is a pretty good analogy, really. They took turns playing at the water table:

And they rode around via every transportation mode they could find - stroller, bike, car & wagon.

This last picture makes me laugh, because you see in the background that somehow the guys escaped our cage & they were outside drinking & having a good old time, while the moms are stuck inside taking care of (I mean playing with) the kids. How is it that we are always the ones who do everything? Even on nights when it's supposed to be family night?
Finally we spoiled the kids & let them have their own dessert - Popsicles!
It was quite funny watching them all try to eat them! They still needed a lot of help from us because they didn't quite understand the concept of pushing the ice up. But they did enjoy them! Sadie & Jordan even shared their popsicle with the water table so by the end of the night the water was purple. And Sadie had it all over her yellow dress :( Don't worry - it washes right out & it was worth the stickiness & sweatiness because we had a fun night with Sadie & all of her friends, parents included!

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