Friday, June 28, 2013

Literary Play Date

We met our friends at the library for story time today & our kiddos finally got promoted to the next class. They have always gone to "Babies & Books" which is for babies birth to 17 months old. Now they are in "Young Toddler Story Time" which is for toddlers 18-23 months. We had a lot of fun singing songs, reading books & learning sign language.
Afterwards, we let the kids play & read in the children's area of the library. Look how studious they are!

We decided afterwards to find somewhere else for them to play, but it was too hot outside so we took them to McDonald's. This was only Sadie's second time to a fast food restaurant & she was in heaven! First we ordered all of the kids happy meals:

My little girl ate a half a hamburger, 2 chicken nuggets & french fries! Not to mention the apple juice that went with it :) Good thing she had fruit for breakfast & will be having her veggies at dinner because I let her indulge.
We wrapped up our play date by letting the kids run loose in the playground. Although Sadie mostly stayed around the same area - she was obsessed with this giant shoe, which I think she thought was a car:

You can tell she was having fun because this last picture I took right after I told her it was time to go home & take a nap :) Gotta love our play dates - especially on hot summer days when Sadie has someone to play with inside.

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