Saturday, October 12, 2024

FFL Cheer - Cowboy Pics 2024

Sophie's cheer squad met for team pictures last week & man are we lucky we still have a mom who is a photographer on the team! She always take the best pictures & we are so thankful for Liz! The past few years Sophie has wanted her hair curly for pictures, but this year we went with it straight. Look at how long it is:

And if you know Sophie, you know she loves to do the splits so of course Liz caught her in her favorite pose:

We actually met the weekend before with just her friends from school & they did a mini photo shoot, so she went with curls this night:

and back to our normal night with the rest of the squad. Gotta love our Pink Cowboy Girls:

Full squad pics:

And just for fun, there was a random red phone booth that the girls just loved:

It was a fun night & I love having pictures to remember this season with the Cowboys. Such a sweet group of girls with 2 great coaches. And 1 great photographer!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Life Lately

This week we have another life lately because let's be honest, every week seems to be the same. Ha! So, this is basically a photo dump from my iPhone & not much changes week to week. 

Sophie is busy at school this year since she is in 5th grade. She made spirit captain, joined the choir, pink pacer running club & finally library leaders. I still volunteer in the library once a week re-stocking books, so I got a picture of her with her shelf while I was there:

Bryan had lunch with her last week. She wanted to eat with one of her besties & they were very specific with their lunch order - Starbuck egg bites, pink drinks & birthday cake pops:

It is still super-hot, I mean hotter than normal for October, so her cheer coach surprised them with a water balloon fight one week at practice:

She still loves cheering at the games every Saturday & I believe her team is undefeated:

Bryan was out of town one weekend so let I both of the girls have a friend over & we had fun getting ice cream after her volleyball game:

Speaking of volleyball, one Saturday morning the girls went to our high school volleyball clinic with the varsity team. Sophie went to the earlier session with her friends & Sadie went to the afternoon session just for the older girls:

They were so excited to see our neighbor Nicole:

Sadie is still busy with school volleyball & club soccer. In fact, she played in Baton Rouge last weekend, so we made the quick flight to Louisiana:

My sister & her kids happened to be in the DFW area one weekend, so we got to spend an evening with them which is always a favorite:

Finally, the girls went to a lock in at church last weekend, so Bryan & I got an unexpected date night out, which was much needed:

We have BIG plans this weekend so come back next week to see what we've been up to?!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Pink Pacer Community Fun Run Fall 2024

Last week, we had our final Pink Pacer Community Fun Run for the girls' elementary school. I can't believe after 8 years; we ran our last race! Sadie had volleyball practice after school & she didn't want to come afterwards, but Bryan & I were both there. In fact, he flew home from a business trip just to run with Sophie:

We got there early & took a few pictures with friends, but to be honest, the older the kids get, the less kids there are. I guess they are busier than the younger kids but a few of her friends were there:

Sophie got 2nd place last year, so she was determined to place again this year. Bryan set the pace but unfortunately someone accidentally tripped her at the beginning & it really cut her up & bruised her. She walked for a few minutes but then Bryan talked her back in to running & she finished the race strong:

Unfortunately, the girl who beat her is a competitive soccer player, like Sadie, and she won last year also but Sophie wasn't too far behind her! I thought she got 2nd place but there was some confusion with another girl, so she was super nice & passed 2nd on to her & took 3rd place to share with a friend:

No matter what place she got, we were just proud she popped right back up after falling & continued to race even though she was hurt. She more than deserved her treat after finishing her 2 miles:

I love that our elementary school has always had a running club for the older kids & that they foster a healthy & active lifestyle for our community. We will miss Coach Mistr & the Pink Pacers!

Monday, September 23, 2024

September with Sadie

It's hard to believe but September is quickly flying by & that is probably because it's been a busy month for Sadie! She has always been busy, but the schedule picked up even more with the start of school sports. She has absolutely loved playing for Griffin with her friends & we love watching her play! In fact, the past couple of weeks, Sophie has brought several friends with her to the games, so Sadie always has her own cheering section:

My parents came earlier this month & the past few weeks, Sherry has come & she even brought Nanny:

I think I mentioned in Sophie's update that we had been to Bahama Buck's for spirit night, well we went again for Sadie & she brought a friend too:

Her favorite class as school right now is Spanish. She LOVES her teacher!

Besides school, soccer & volleyball, she is still doing NCL. In fact, they had their annual mother daughter tea this month but of course she had a soccer game, so we went late & in her uniform:

At least we got to experience it for the first time, see everyone dressed up & we will know what to expect next year. Hopefully she'll get to wear a cute dress like the rest of the girls: